jamie goode's wine blog: Consumers' awareness of wine critics

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Consumers' awareness of wine critics

Wine Intelligence have recently published the results of a survey on the awareness on the part of consumers of wine critics (see their report). Sample size isn't huge, but the results show that 29% of regular wine drinkers show that they are influenced by critics. Which ones? Interesting question. Oz Clarke is the one they've come across most in the last six months. The list is posted here (click on the image for a bigger one if you can't read it). I was pleased to be on it, and also pleased that wineanorak is recognized, as well as my newspaper column, although I clearly have some work to do to climb the charts. If I'm honest, I'm disturbed by some of the names higher up in the list, as well as pleased by some of those lower down or absent!


At 12:19 AM, Anonymous Doug said...

I know which names disturb me!Of course, it's about public profile but Parker, Hugh Johnson and Michael Broadbent below the two Telegraph writers?!

Can't imagine Victoria will be chuffed that they got her name wrong. Or maybe 700,000 Guardian readers really believe she's a Rose by any other name...

At 6:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The table half way down the Wine Intelligence page entitled "Importance of choice cues when buying wine" makes interesting reading. Particularly that UK buyers are much more influenced by promotional offers than others surveyed.
Do BOGOFs or similar inducements exist in those other countries?


At 7:38 AM, Blogger HamishWM said...

Jamie. Very interesting table. I would not worry about the numbers. The quality will always beat the quantity.
If you are concerned about league tables I wouldn't look at the back pages!

At 10:17 AM, Blogger Jim Budd said...


Recognition is not the same as following a critic's advice.


At 4:24 PM, Anonymous Dan Coward said...

Well worth having a look at the 2nd table in the series which was less well publicized. This addresses the point above: of those you recognised, which ones actually influence your wine buying decisions?

The table is listed on Jancis Robinsons's site - www.jancisrobinson.com


At 3:24 AM, Anonymous Geri said...

If you're interested in organic wines, here's a list of sellers http://www.newrinkles.com/index.php/archive/organic-vines-create-better-wines/

At 6:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jamie, as a relative newcomer to wine writing, why are you "disturbed" by some of the names that are more well-known than you?

At 12:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The attention to what some might call detail isn't very impressive is it. For example, is Peter Grogan really achieving that recognition level from the three pieces he's had published in the Telegraph this year? Or from his work for Britain's largest grocer? Because if it's the latter then it's interesting to see how influential a supermarket's self-promoting literature can be. And if it's the former, wow.

At 8:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, I'd be chuffed that you're better known than Robert Parker!

At 10:51 AM, Blogger Jamie said...

anon (1) - as a newcomer, I'm happy to be on the list. Thrilled. I'm just a wine nut with a geeky obsession and a website. But it's just that I hadn't even heard of one of the names above me, and then there's another person higher up who hasn't done their column or website for ages.

At 10:00 AM, Anonymous peter said...

And where's Andrew Jefford?!!!


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