jamie goode's wine blog: Merry Christmas

Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas

Christmas greetings, dear readers. After a few days' abstinence, I felt up to some wine today. Just a little, and nothing terribly excessive. We began with the two wines I bought on Thursday for research purposes. Domain Chandon ZD 2002 is a delightful Aussie fizz with good complexity and a very dry finish. Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc 2006 is a very good New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc, but you are certainly paying a premium for the label: I could easily find seven or eight NZ Sauvignons that are its equal, and which are much cheaper. Finally, a Bandol: Lafran Veyrolles Longue Garde, which is now entering is earthy, evolved phase. Nice in a very savoury style.

The Goode family Christmas day has been a very successful one. This has not always been the case, I should add! Just the four of us, plus various animals. Lots of present unwrapping, a nice lunch, a walk, some telly, some family games, and for everyone else an early night. I have to stay up to see to the hound, but I'm hoping to find my bed soon. Merry Christmas.

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At 7:58 PM, Anonymous John Parr from Cheltenham said...

Dear Jamie

Thank you for an inspirational 2006.
Wishing you and your family (and pets!!) a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year 2007... hope it turns out a good vintage!

Best wishes

John Parr

At 10:59 PM, Blogger Clay Coyote said...

Today I posted a dish you may be interested in...any paring recommendations? People often ask what would go best with it.

At 11:26 PM, Blogger Jamie said...

thanks for your kind wishes

Clay, thanks for the comment

At 11:19 AM, Blogger colin.smith18 said...

I agree entirely with your Cloudy Bay comments. I've thoroughly enjoyed tasting both the 2005 and 2006 but have also enjoyed the Grove Mill and Jackson Estate sauvignon blancs which are less than half the Cloudy Bay price. The only detectable difference is the length of the Cloudy Bay - 5 minutes after tasting it, it was still there in the mouth fresh as a daisy.

I've been given your Wine Science book for Christmas. I'm sure it will help me with my WSET Diploma studying

At 2:03 PM, Blogger Jamie said...

Colin, an excellent Christmas present!

At 6:19 PM, Blogger g58 said...

I would agree with the Cloudy Bay assessment too. I definitely found it to be overpriced when I did a tasting for four Marlborough Sauvignons. Isabel Estate and Kim Crawford are the best values for my money.

Best for 2007,

At 10:50 PM, Blogger Jamie said...

I quite like current releases of Jackson Estate, Villa Maria (cheap) and especially Blind River, among others. The Blind River is the best I can remember in a long time. Also fond of Seresin and Craggy Range.

At 10:33 AM, Anonymous Doug said...

Add to these Clos Henri, Dogpoint and Gravitas. Quite a few of the 06s are not bottled yet; various winemakers in Marlborough are using lees contact to attain greater mouthfeel and complexity in their Sauvignons and release their wines a few months later. Of the wines discussed Isabel Estate (who used to supply Cloudy Bay with grapes) is one of my favourites and Seresin is quite fine. I wouldn't say that either of them were cheap. Is Blind River one of those Sauvs partially fermented in old barrels to ameliorate the greenness of the Sauvignon? Perhaps this is the way for top New Zealand to go?

At 10:20 AM, Blogger andyincayman said...

Have to say I have got a little tierd of NZ SB but had my Mother down for Xmas and she drinks nothing but so set up a mini tasting for myself.

The Cloudy Bay was good but very little difference to the Villa Maria which is 1/3 cheeper.

Bought Seresin from the excellent Theatre Of Wine in Greenwich (see Decanter review in Jan issue) which they have replaced Isobel with. This has 5% Semillion which adds a richness to the palate.

My favorite was a Goldwater Estate purchased from Majestic on offer at £6.99 as the "cheepy". This was excellent value and a typical NZ but with touches of Sancerre minerality which made it stand out from the crowd.

At 7:31 PM, Anonymous <a href="http://members.ospa.us/portal_memberdata/portraits/trsctxrtf">buy dvd motel life sucks</a> said...

Good job!


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