The wines of De Wetshof
EstatePO Box 31, Robertson, South
Africa Tel: +27(0) 2345 1853
Danie De Wet is a Chardonnay specialist, producing four different Chardonnays of different styles, culminating in the sensational Bateleur. As he is one of the most well known figures in South African wine, I asked him what he thought of the concept of 'terroir'. His response was that in his opinion there were three categories or quality levels of wine: wine as a commodity, wine made in a particular style, and then finally wine that is an expression of a site. Illustrating this concept with his own range, he described the Bon Vallon Chardonnay as a commodity wine, the D'Honneur as a wine made in a particular style, and the Bateleur as a wine that is an expression of site, reflecting the vineyard that produced it. I guess this makes good sense. All these wines were enjoyable, and all are fairly priced. Edeloes 1998 Noble late harvest Bon Vallon Chardonnay 1999 Lesca Chardonnay 1998 D'Honneur Chardonnay 1998 Bateleur Chardonnay 1998 Blanc Fumé 1999 (Tasted November 1999) |