jamie goode's wine blog: In Sweden

Thursday, February 05, 2009

In Sweden

I'm in Stockholm today and tomorrow. It's my first trip to the land of Sven Goran Eriksson and Abba, and it's been great so far.

My role is to assist with the launch of some wines in new packaging: multilayer PET (a sort of plastic) with a plastic (Novatwist) screwcap and a special label material, making it all fully recyclable. I'm here in a technical capacity as a neutral closures/wine packaging expert to discuss issues such as oxygen transmission, migration and carbon footprints.

The wines themselves are made by Mitchelton, and they're pretty good. Really good, even. But the real interest here is this innovative packaging solution.

This afternoon I met with Claes Lofgren (http://www.winepictures.com/) and Johan Bostrom in the offices of Wine World, and then this evening Claes, Johan and I were joined by Bengt-Goran Kronstam (publisher of Alt Om Vinj) and Catharina Forsell of Wine World for dinner.

We ate at the Food Bar of Mathias Dahlgren, one of Sweden's top chefs, and the food was fantastic. It was washed down well with some lovely wines, including a brilliant Clos St Denis Grand Cru 2005 from Lucien Le Moine, which should really not have been drunk for another decade, but which hinted strongly of greatness to come.
Tomorrow I'm doing a presentation for the Systembolaget, then a radio interview, then I'm heading for home.

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At 10:27 PM, Blogger Gavin said...

Jamie, do you plan on elaborating on this packaging? The Champenois did a study last year on greenhouse gas emission which results from the production and distribution of Champagne and manufacture and distribution of glass bottles figured very high.

The wine pictured in your post looks like a bottle shape. Is that correct?

Was it just a coincidence that you took the Lucien Le Moine (I agree, an excellent wine)? It comes in just about the heaviest, most dense glass bottle I've encountered. Very strange because I think all the Lucien Le Moine wines are very pretty and elegant.

At 10:02 AM, Blogger Jamie said...

Gavin, yes, yes and no.

The Le Moine was fantastic but far too young.

At 12:33 PM, Anonymous Takeaway said...

Wine in a plastic bottle? It sure looses some charm but I guess if we could save a tree or two this way...

Does the pastic in any way influence the taste of the wine? And how long can one keep a plastic bottle? I would assume if you'd want to age your wine 20 years a plastic bottle would not be suitable?


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