jamie goode's wine blog: Enough about the weather, and another Malbec

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Enough about the weather, and another Malbec

First ten minutes of the BBC evening news tonight was devoted to one subject: the weather. It's getting a bit boring, but the conditions here have been pretty unusual.

Found out today that I had to go and pick my son up from boarding school. It's a long drive and I wasn't looking forward to it - the Highways agency advised against non-essential travel, and on their advice I almost packed a spade. But that seemed a bit extreme, so I didn't.

Actually, the journey was better than I'd feared. Just a couple of flurries of heavy snow, and in the bit of Devon I was in most of the snow had thawed. The journey back was also relatively straightforward, although it was still quite tiring driving, with a particularly crazy blizzard just before Reading.

Back to wine. I've opened another Argentinean Malbec tonight. It's the Salentein MCM Winemaker's Selection 2004 Malbec/Cabernet/Merlot. It's fresh and aromatic, but there's probably a bit too much oak imprint here: it shows itself in tarry, toasty, slightly bitter notes along with the sweet berryish fruit. £8.59 from Tesco - reasonable value, but not something I'd rush out to buy.

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At 5:00 AM, Blogger Pablo Lastorta said...

Can get enough of the Malbecs! Good choice on the Salentein, has an awesome winery. Yes, you have to be careful with these big wineries. They tend to push the oak a little bit overboard.


Pablo Lastorta

At 3:47 PM, Anonymous Martyn J said...

Is this a single variety Malbec or is it the Malbec Cabernet Merlot? (hence MCM). If it is the latter, I have bought a few bottles when on offer at prices between £4.99 and £5.99 and at that price it is more interesting than some of the competition but I agree that when you are paying £8.49 you want something a bit more serious.

At 10:09 AM, Blogger Jamie said...

Martyn, you are correct - I'll change the post


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