Wineanorak on University Challenge, I’ve finally made it!


Wineanorak on University Challenge, I’ve finally made it!

So cool to see wineanorak featuring on University Challenge last night (a television program on the UK’s BBC). Paxman reading out content from my site! I’ve made it. Distressing to see how little these otherwise incredibly smart people knew about wine, though. The Charente??? Here’s the clip:


6 Comments on Wineanorak on University Challenge, I’ve finally made it!
wine journalist and flavour obsessive

6 thoughts on “Wineanorak on University Challenge, I’ve finally made it!

  1. Sigh. At least the producers read your blog. The contestants in the clip do look like faculty, though. So maybe there’s still hope. Merry Christmas all.

  2. saw this live as it were. They’re wine knowledge was pitiful. nice to be able to answers a few for a change.

  3. You’re in the big time now Jamie. I’m just relieved to have got them right. it seriously boosted the “number of questions I get right on University Challenge” challenge that I usually do abysmally at.

    Next stop Pointless?

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