The observant among you will notice that there are no new blog posts being added to this site. And that the posts from the blog over September are no longer appearing.
There’s a reason for this. I’ve redesigned my site completely, and part of that redesign is shifting from a blog format, to a magazine-style format.
The site is also mobile responsive, and very soon will have SSL (it will be secure). I began working on the redesign in early September, and it’s taken a month to get right, hence all the blog posts in the interim aren’t here. I had to migrate the site across to a new server and work on it there.
Some of these articles will be on the new site, but a few of the blog posts didn’t make the transition. I have good reasons for making this change, and I hope that the site will be better, will be updated just as often, and will grow as a result of the move.
I really wanted to keep all the historical material, so this necessitated two WordPress installs, one on the main directory and the blog on its own subdirectory. This is a challenge: it’s also a little unorthodox. But I didn’t want to lose anything in the process.
For those who are used to visiting the blog, please reset your links to the main site:
Always happy to receive feedback:
Hi Jamie,
Nice job on the move and redesign. It’s a lot of work but an important one for what you do. I hope it continues to have the long term benefit you describe here, and thank you for preserving your previous work. I know the vintners you’re writing about and the wine community at large appreciate it.