Dogs and vines


Dogs and vines

Today we were back to normal April weather after a little taste of summer. For the Easter holiday weekend we enjoyed consecutive sunny days with temperatures in the mid-to-high 20s C. It has been blissful.

My back-garden vines are flourishing. Pictured above is a vine that could be either Bacchus or Pinot Noir. I won’t know until the grapes appear. I should know which it is, but I take a shamelessly amateur approach to growing vines in my garden. It’s just a bit of fun. I’ll need to apply some sulfur soon. Their phenology is  advanced beyond what I’d expect for this time of year, so I’m slightly worried about the prospect of frost.

The two dogs have been enjoying the outdoor lifestyle. FFS (above) is growing and is not far off the size of her mother, RTL (below). They look so different: both are labradoodles, but it’s hard to understand how mother and daughter of the same breed can look so different.

1 Comment on Dogs and vines
wine journalist and flavour obsessive

One thought on “Dogs and vines

  1. Cute grape shot…your backyard vineyard should be a fun thing.
    FFS is soooo adorable, what a beautiful kind face. It’s not hard for me to understand why they look so different. Vinodog 2 is Border Collie/Jack Russell mix, she is not a new breed – a Bordussell or a Jackollie – she’s simply a mongrel (as confirmed by seeing her 2 brothers who looked totally different). I’m not fond of ‘designer’ mongrels, but FFS could be an exception.

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