So, it’s the official publication date of Authentic Wine: Toward Natural and Sustainable Winemaking.
Sam and I were very pleased with the first proper review, which appeared today on Palate Press.
You send out a book into the world, and wait for some response. You are too close to the book to view it objectively, and so it’s good to see what other people think of it.
One of the problems in the wine world, though, is that frequently the people reviewing books are your colleagues. It’s hard for them to write a scathing review, because they know you will be meeting them on the tasting circuit, and that their book could find its way into your hands in due course!
You can order the book online here.
8 Comments on Authentic wine is published today
So I got my copy one week before publication? Fantastic!
What are the aromatic, flavor, textural and structural hallmarks of authentic wine (as opposed to …. inauthentic wine)?
Congatulations, Jamie. Look for a glowing review on The Wine Economist blog next week.
I pre-ordered it but Amazon have just emailed me to say that it will not be available until 20 September?
And then it turned up today and I got a refund because it’s now cheaper than the launch price!
Ian that is good to hear