A plug for a new wine magazine. Titled Noble Rot, it’s a bit counter-cultural and edgy (without being pretentious), with a good dollop of food and popular culture thrown in. It’s about telling compelling stories. It’s a million miles away from the glitzy hell and mind-warping, shallow, dull content of most glossy wine magazines.
You can download a pdf for free from the website here. Or better still, buy a copy. I love the old-fashioned feel and the font, and the black-and-white photography. The whole thing works as a whole, if you get what I mean.
Co-editors are Mark Andrew (of Roberson Wine) and Dan Keeling.
4 Comments on A great new wine publication, Noble Rot
cant download – help? jamie please tell the authors the free link does not work.
It works if you select the pdf option but will have to set up an account with Speedyshare.
Hi William – once you click through to the link, just click on the text at the top that says NobleRotIssueOneDI.epub (there’s a little icon next to it saying 1.94mb). That will start the download, then just drag it into you iTunes folder.
It will be on the iBookstore as soon as they give it clearance, which should be soon. If you still have problems, email us at noblerotmag@gmail.com and we’ll send it to you.
And thatnks for the plug Jamie!
Noble Rot is NOT free regardless of whether it’s a hard copy or PDF! Whatever happened to truth in advertising? Yeah, I know…