Popped into the cosy and wonderful Bar Pepito yesterday to try the new Las Palmas sherries from Gonzalez Byass, with Martin Skelton. This year’s selection, 2017, was made by Pedro Ballesteros MW. [You can read here about the year I was chosen to make the selection: it was a really interesting experience trying through lots of sherry barrels.]
Tio Pepe Una Palma Fino
A typical, classic Fino. Averages five years old. Tangy and complex with nuts and cheese. Slightly more youthful this year. Tangy with nice citrus notes and a juicy brightness. Lovely complexity. 93/100
Tio Pepe Dos Palmas Fino
Eight years old. Gonzalez Byass have 120 casks of this age called Fino Amontillado. This is a selection of just two. Complex, refined, nutty and detailed with hints of caramel and almonds as well as some tomato umami. There’s olive brine on the finish. Lovely acidity. 94/100
Tio Pepe Tres Palmas Fino
10 years old. The flor dies between four and eight years but this depends on the individual barrel. This is spicy and rich with orange peel, cherries, nuts and cheese. Tangy and complex with lovely intensity. Such detail and finesse. 96/100
Tio Pepe Cuatro Palmas Amontillado
A solera system with 30 year old wine added to wine that’s over 50 years old. Concentrated with dried figs and raisins, as well as old furniture, spice,, vanilla essebce and coffee. There’s a lovely incense note too. Brilliant! 97/100