At each of the dinners at the Southern Pinot workshop in Hanmer, participants are encouraged to bring wines to dinner. This is a fun exercise, because there is no coordination, and winemakers tend to be curious, generous folk who accumulate interesting bottles and then enjoy drinking them with other winemakers. I didn’t take any notes, but here are some of my favourites from the three evenings.
Riesling is always popular. Normal people hate it but winemakers love it! This 2004 Urz Wurz from Ernie Loosen was singing.
You may have heard of Kusuda, Martinborough start. The Pinot and Syrah have stellar reputations. This Riesling is up there with them: so delicate and pure.
Helmut Donnhoff is just so consistent, and this Trocken was lovely.
I’ve come across the wines of AJ Adam at the Sampler in London, and they are fab. This was really good.
Nice to see Alsace getting a run out. Albert Mann is one of the best producers in the region and this Pinot Gris was young but lovely.
Boxler is one of my faves. This 2006 Pinot Blanc was one of the bottles I brought. I’m pretty sure it’s from Grand Cru Brand, but it’s not allowed to say, being Pinot Gris. It was singing.
Burgundy of both kinds gets a look in. The white star was this Corton-Charlemagne, which was full of mineral and reductive tension and has massive potential, even though it was delicious young. The Fourrier below, from 2011, was lovely and already hitting its stride.
Other Pinots? The Furst Spatbrugunder was simple and juicy and quite delicious, but I was expecting a bit more from Franconia’s Pinot star. It was still a good drink though.
I’ve already blogged on this gorgeous Ata Rangi:
Don’t forget about Austria! These two were stunning.
Eben is my hero. One of my heroes at least. His Skerpioen, a blend of Palomino and Chenin from old vines, was lovely. I brought this along, as you might have guessed.
And finally, I really likes this Cote Rotie from Gerin. A modern classic.