Just back from my lightning trip to Tokaj. I enjoyed it a great deal, and learned a lot. I thought I knew a little about Tokaji (the wine), but visiting and seeing the grapes as they are ready for harvesting, tasting the wines, and seeing how they are put together exposed just how little I really knew about this great sweet wine style. (Of course, there is more to the region than just the sweet aszu wines, but they were the focus of this visit, and currently represent the region’s claim to greatness.) Great Tokaji is one of the truly great sweet white wines, and is in the same peer group as the top Sauternes, the very best German sweet wines, and the best SGNs from Alsace. At least. Here are a few more pictures.
Aszu berries
Pouring Eszencia
One of the greatest sweet wines I have ever tasted!
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