jamie goode's wine blog: Restaurant da Vittorio - just brilliant

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Restaurant da Vittorio - just brilliant

One of the highlights of the Sicily trip was lunch at Restaurant Da Vittorio (website here) on the beach in Porto Palo near Menfi.

It's not terribly swanky - in fact, it looks a bit downmarket inside. But the food, prepared by Vittorio, is legendary. We ate exclusively seafood, including a sea snails in tomato sauce, spaghetti with whitebait, spaghetti with sea urchins and then a fish that's known in Italy as Dentice, which seems to be translated as Dentex. It's a mediterranean fish that has delicately flavoured white flesh, a bit like sea bass.

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At 8:32 AM, Anonymous Ben Smith said...

Hi Jamie,
Sorry to hear your cold got worse. The Dentice is I believe known as Grouper in English.


At 9:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

(Dentex is dentex! A type of seabream.)

At 9:29 PM, Blogger Jan-Tore Egge said...

Dentice is lovely. Raw, too.

At 5:22 PM, Anonymous Restaurant Bookings said...

Looks like a Bream to me. Also looks absolutely luvverly!


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