jamie goode's wine blog: The growing importance of twitter

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The growing importance of twitter

I've just ordered some business cards from the excellent moo.com

Mine lists (1) name, (2) website, (3) email, (4) twitter name (@jamiegoode), (5) mobile no, (6) address

Why include @jamiegoode? This is because twitter has become an increasingly important business tool for me. This week, I passed 1500 followers. I follow just under 600. Of course, on one level twitter is just fun. It's banter, and, yes, it can be trivial.

On another level, it's a really effective way to maintain connections, share ideas, and - perhaps most importantly - break news. There's an immediacy to twitter, and because of re-tweeting, new stories have the potential to reach significant numbers of people very quickly.

I started tweeting in January 2009. I was just dipping my toes in, then. Now I couldn't imagine life without it. My tweets also become my facebook updates (except for my RTs, which I edit out). This works, because not all my facebook friends tweet.

If you are tweeting, follow me, and I'll follow you back!



At 6:28 AM, Blogger Nick Oakley said...

Skype ID?

At 1:09 PM, Blogger Ryan said...

I need to order cards from them! WineBard showed hers off at WBC09 and I love them. Did you get the full sized or the mini cards? Let me know how you like them.

At 5:21 PM, Blogger acdemo said...

Agree on the value of Twitter: I use my account - grapewallchina - to let people know about wine tastings in Beijing, among other China wine news. In cases where I hear last-minute about an event, I might not have time for a blog post, but I can easily pass along the theme, date, fee, and map to the site in a single tweet.

Cheers, J. Boyce
twitter: grapewallchina

At 1:23 AM, Blogger linden said...

Only started this week - thanks for the shout out Jamie. I've been fascinated to see the Jan Moir and Carter-Ruck issues gain momentum sooooooo quickly via Twitter. Just loaded tweetdeck to co-ordinate tweets and Facebook. It's a whole new world!...


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