jamie goode's wine blog: A Pinotage I quite liked: eye-gouging Meerkat

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A Pinotage I quite liked: eye-gouging Meerkat

I usually find Pinotage a bit repulsive, but occasionally I find one that works, and this is one such (rare) occurrence. It's from Schalk Burger, father of the eye-gouging rugby player of the same name.

Actually, I had a PR working for Decanter contacting me about one of Burger wines (which won an award), in which they treated the eye gouging incident as some sort of breezy intro to their puff. It's actually an utterly disgusting incident and Schalk junior should have been banned from Rugby for a long time, not just 8 weeks, which is the ban he received. I was tempted not to review this wine for that reason.

Schalk Burger and Sons Meerkat Pinotage 2008 Wellington, South Africa
14% alcohol. Rich, intense and spicy, with some herby notes, and a core of delicious forward blackberry fruit. There are hints of chocolate and coffee. It's a delicious, non-funky version of Pinotage with lots of flavour. 86/100 (UK agent Thierrys)


At 10:06 PM, Anonymous Ms. Drinkwell said...

"I usually find Pinotage a bit repulsive" LOL. Me too! Glad to know there are some drinkable ones out there. Now, if only I could find one of my own...

At 6:00 AM, Anonymous Keith Prothero said...

There are quite a few decent pinotage.
Kanonkop,Camberley,Grangehurst and the quite expensive Ashbourne are amongst my favourite.

At 11:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The yucky critter label would put me off, even without knowing about the unsavoury antics of the maker's sub-neanderthal son.

At 2:11 PM, Blogger owenedwards said...

Afraid I'll have to give it a miss Jamie, given the "& Sons" label. I'm not risking my eyesight to drink this wine.

At 11:10 PM, Blogger brian said...

Agree entirely about the eye-gouging incident-horrific! He should have been banned for life.

At 4:35 AM, Blogger Vinogirl said...

Have not had a Pinotage that I like either, was just discussing that with a sommelier yesterday. There is however one domestic one that I have been meaning to try for a while, Steltzner, so I will reserve judgement until then. Great post.

At 9:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was tempted not to review this wine for that reason

Get over yourself, you pompous so-and-so!


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