Neil Walker is a foodie-beer geek who writes the Eating isn’t Cheating blog. I met him on a beer press trip to Ghent last December (below – he’s at the far…
Beers from Thornbridge
Delighted to find three beers from Bakewell-based brewery Thornbridge in Waitrose today. They’re all brilliant. First up, Thornbridge Jaipur India Pale Ale. It’s aromatic, spicy and hoppy with a hint…
Beer: St Stefanus Blonde in 75 cl bottle
Now this is a really smart beer. It’s a Belgian beer with aspirational ideas, and it’s now available in 75 cl bottles. Belgian beers are really interesting, but they tend to…
Another great beer: Goose Island IPA
Really enjoying beer at the moment. Here’s another great one, this time from Chicago’s Goose Island. Great to find this in Tesco, and it wasn’t expensive. I wish you could…
An utterly mind-blowing beer
I’m aware that this is a wine blog, but I assume that readers are interested more broadly in great flavour experiences, so occasionally I dabble in food and other drinks….
Beer: Cantillon Gueuze Lambic Bio
This Belgian beer is something special. It’s a Gueuze, which is a blend of lambic beers. These are made by spontaneous fermentations, and are naturally quite sour in taste. Brewery…
Video: in Ghent, visiting the van Steenberge brewery and drinking St Stefanus beer
A short film of my visit to Ghent, along with a merry bunch of beer bloggers and writers. We visit the Sint Stefanus monastery and the van Steenberge brewery, and…
Two nice beers
Regular readers will know that I occasionally foray into territory other than wine. Most frequently, this involves beer. I’ve been tasting some beers for a future Sunday Express column this…
An outsider’s perspective on beer marketing
Yesterday I headed over to the wilds of Southwark, to talk about beer marketing. Someone wanted to know my perspective – as an outsider – on beer. So it got…