The big thing with professional content generation: how to make it pay. Since the advent of the internet, and the rise of the Google/Facebook duopoly, advertising money has been sucked…
How much should writers share about themselves?
We live in an age of sharing. Social media has created a platform where writers can share quite personally. Because of this, it’s possible for readers to see something of…
The wine filter bubble
We’ve just had an election in the UK. It was quite an important one, and the result surprised many of us. The Conservative Party, who’ve been in power for a…
My election manifesto
On Thursday, Britain goes to the polls. It’s general election day. So I thought I’d compose a brief manifesto. If I were to form a political party, these would be…
On wine awards
We wine writers love wine awards. When we win, that is. I remember one evening when I was shortlisted three times for the Roederers. You have to fancy your odds…
The blog is re-born
A while back I decided to discontinue this blog. The new wineanorak is in a magazine format, and now it’s mobile responsive and modern and the right sort of home…
Why are there no new blog posts?
The observant among you will notice that there are no new blog posts being added to this site. And that the posts from the blog over September are no longer…
The wines of Champagne Taittinger, revisited
With an annual production of 6.5 million bottles, Taittinger is the sixth largest Champagne house. It’s family owned (with help from Credit Agricole Bank) and run, and they have 712…
Discovering vineyards in the Languedoc
I’m currently in the Languedoc region of southern France, on a discovery mission. I’m visiting lots of producers (most of whom are new to me) whose goal is to make…