jamie goode's wine blog: The wineanorak on BBC News

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The wineanorak on BBC News

So I followed up yesterday's turn on Sky News with a couple of slots on BBC News this morning. It meant an early start - the car came for me before 6 am, and I was whisked off to BBC TV Centre in Shepherds Bush. Another session in make-up (no airbrush this time) then off to the tiny green room, where I met up with David Motion of The Winery (an excellent London wine shop) who I was to appear with on the programme.

Our first slot was at 0650, and went well. Then we had to wait for a while until the second slot, at 0850. Also in the green room was Sir Steve Redgrave who was there to talk about hydration (and some hydrating drinks he's involved with) in advance of next week's London marathon.

In the second slot we tasted some wine on camera - one of David's - a Spatlese Trocken Riesling from the Mosel, which was delicious. Just the sort of wine you want before breakfast. It was a fun segment, and we were all pretty relaxed. Unfortunately, I don't have a video to show you.



At 9:51 PM, Blogger Ron Combo said...

Hi Jamie, what's all this "I met up with"? Can't you just say "I met"? Have you become an American? Yes, I know, I am a pedant but before you know it you'll be writing in txtspk.

At 10:05 PM, Blogger Jamie said...

Ron, your opinions are valued! I need to be saved from myself sometimes!

At 8:49 AM, Blogger Ashley said...

Good stuff as usual Jamie, assuming you have seen this but some more info from the BBC here;

At 9:06 PM, Blogger Jamie said...

Thanks Ashley - yes. They phoned me yesterday to get some more quotes


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