jamie goode's wine blog

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Some more rather dodgy looking 'wine' grapes spotted, this time on a book cover. The book in question is titled 'Emerging Varietal Wines of Australia: A Guide for the Adventurous Winelover', by Darby Higgs. Tell me these aren't table grapes.


At 12:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does not give you any confidence in the contents of the book,if they believe no one will notice the table grapes on the cover.

At 1:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And who said you shouldn't judge a book by its cover?

At 7:30 PM, Anonymous Alex Lake said...

Of course one CAN make wine from table grapes. I've done it myself, but it's not like wine as we know it, cap'n....

At 8:38 PM, Blogger Jamie said...

Alex, I'm intrigued. Did you just buy a job lot of table grapes down the market and then crush them in a plastic bin?

At 8:45 AM, Anonymous Alex Lake said...

No, we've got a vine in our garden (Hombourg or Hamburg or something like that). One year I thought I'd make grape juice for the children, so I put the grapes in a juicer and then put the juice into a plastic bottle. The bottle got forgotten about for a couple of weeks, by which time it had swollen up. I opened it and found it had turned into something a bit alcoholic and a bit spritzy (not unlike a lambrusco). For what it's worth, the resulting juice was quite nice, but it's never going to win an IWC gold....


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