jamie goode's wine blog

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The World of Fine Wine has a new website. It's very good - as is the magazine. I really admire what Neil Beckett, Sarah Basra and Stuart George are doing with this publication, which has now moved to a quarterly format. Yes, some of the articles do make me feel a little uncultured and - how can I put it? - downright poor, but there's no other magazine that takes such an informed, in-depth and intellectually stimulating approach to wine.

If you search hard enough you'll find a pdf of the first piece I wrote for WOFW, on wine and the brain.


At 12:29 PM, Anonymous wineboffin said...

I like the look of their new site. Lots of white space and such but in this day and age who re-designs a website WITHOUT RSS feeds? I don't think I read any wine websites/blogs other than through my newsreader.

At 4:05 PM, Blogger Jamie said...

Good point - but then you may be representative of a fairly sophisticated breed of web user.

At 4:21 PM, Anonymous Shon said...

It looks highly authoritative and interesting, but a subscription charge of £89 seems very steep for 4 issues per annum. One for the trade and not for skint enthusiastic amateurs like myself perhaps?


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