jamie goode's wine blog

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Some time back, I did an interview for Australia's ABC Radio National about some of the themes discussed in Wine Science. It was broadcast last week on Robyn Williams' In Conversation programme. By following this link you can read a transcript or even listen to a recording of the show. Although it's horrible to hear your own voice, I listened to it and was reasonably happy with the outcome.


At 9:35 AM, Anonymous Keith Prothero said...

very impressive Jamie.Your voice sounds better on the radio than in real life!!!
Were you given a list of the questions to be asked,prior to the broadcast?
Lastly,although I obviously agree that the naughty boys at KWV were rightly reprimanded and dismissed,for adding flavourants to their SB,do you not think that to some extent chaptalisation,is also adding an artificial substance to change the product

At 9:44 AM, Blogger Jamie said...

Keith, thank you for your encouraging words. The interview was recorded, but I wasn't primed about Michele's questions, so this is all off the cuff, much like a live interview. However, there was one point where I began an answer badly (about organics), so I stopped, paused for a few seconds to give the editor a chance to make the cut, and began the answer again. I think Michele asked some excellent questions, and this made my job a lot easier.


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