A month after migrating servers, and some decent web stats


A month after migrating servers, and some decent web stats

It has been a month since I shifted wineanorak.com from its old server to a new one – with decent bandwith allowance and proper webstat reporting (the last one was a bit flaky, and I didn’t always get good statistics).

Here’s the data on traffic to the site over the last month. [I’m not sure if you are supposed to reveal your web stats like this – is it in bad taste, like talking about your salary? Or is this commercially sensitive information? Oh well, I think it’s OK, and I like being open and honest about these sorts of things.]

Traffic is a bit more than I realised, with almost three-quarters of a million page views (I’d been quoting 400 000 page views and 90 000 uniques a month, which is an underestimate by some distance). Thanks to all of you for reading.

I’m now inspired to go on and make this a bigger, better site!

6 Comments on A month after migrating servers, and some decent web stats
wine journalist and flavour obsessive

6 thoughts on “A month after migrating servers, and some decent web stats

  1. Yes, it is a bit self-congratulatory.
    Why wouldn’t you keep something like this to yourself?

  2. Just a little heads up. When Google searches for Wineanorak, they offer several shortcuts, one of which is to your blog. By clicking on this you are (still) directed to the old, defunct blog. If however you click on the main site, and THEN go to the blog, you are OK. I’m not sure if this is just the web crawlers not having passed over you often enough, but it seems to be taking a long time to update you. Is there something you need to do to intervene? I am sure you are losing (reading) traffic.

  3. What happened to the previous comment here about unique identifiers (with a reference to statsaholic.com)? Who was this removed by?

  4. The comment was deleted by mistake while I was trashing spam, but is now restored.

    statsaholic is basically rebadged alexa.com data, it seems. Alexa is useful as a rough guide to traffic (for example, if someone claims they are getting half a million page views a month and their alexa rank is 1.2 million, then they aren’t telling the truth). But my server stats and google analytics (which I run on the main page of the site, but not the blog) tell me that alexa isn’t accurrate unless your site is a very high traffic one (I don’t think any wine sites would have enough traffic to be getting robust alexa data).

  5. David, I haven’t been on this new hosting service for a complete month yet – I could lump together the last month’s data, but there’d be some overlap between february and march data, and therefore this wouldn’t be accurate. It’s likely over 100K, but I’m not sure by how much yet.

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